Specify a different viewset serializer for lists
I often want to include related nested objects in my Django REST Framework ModelViewSet
s for CRUD operations, but don’t want those related objects cluttering up the list view. To accomplish this, you can return a serializer from get_serializer_class()
that doesn’t include the nested relation when the ViewSet action is list
. I ended up doing this on a bunch of viewsets, so I factored the logic out into a separate mixin:
from typing import Union
from rest_framework import viewsets
class ListSerializerMixin(object):
list_serializer_class = None
def get_serializer_class(
self: Union[viewsets.GenericViewSet, "ListSerializerMixin"]
if self.list_serializer_class and self.action == "list":
return self.list_serializer_class
return super(viewsets.GenericViewSet, self).get_serializer_class()
On your viewset, you can inherit from ListSerializerMixin
Make sure to add the mixin before the ViewSet in your superclass list. then add the list_serializer_class
attribute next to serializer_class
instead of overriding the method directly:
class ObjectViewSet(ListSerializerMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
serializer_class = ObjectDetailSerializer
list_serializer_class = ObjectListSerializer
permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated]
def get_queryset(self):
return Object.objects.all().prefetch_related("related_items")
This leads to serializers that are easier to read at-a-glance, and slightly easier to write.