Typescript type for the JSON spec
Some JavaScript types like dates are not representable directly with JSON and require extra care to parse back out to a JavaScript object after they’re serialized. If you want to make sure that you are only stringify-ing JSON-safe types, you can use this type to represent objects compatible with the JSON spec:
type Json =
| { [key: string]: Json }
| Json[]
| string
| number
| true
| false
| null;
function safeStringify(obj: Json) {
return JSON.stringify(obj);
If you have some type that is not JSON-compatible that you want to serialize, this type will help you write a serialize()
function where the Typescript compiler confirms that the function is producing a safe-to-stringify value:
type MyType = {
date: Date,
title: string,
function serialize(obj: MyType): Json {
return {title: obj.title, date: obj.date.toISOString()};