Thoughts and Writeups

by Davis Haupt

What I Like About Nix

Dec 12 2023

I got a new computer recently and decided to take the plunge setting it up with Nix1. I wrote up a snippet on how I set everything up and you can find my whole configuration on GitHub. I’ve only scratched the surface of what Nix can do – In this post I wanted to focus on my subjective impression of Nix so far and why I feel I’ve been enjoying it.


Honing Your Craft

May 21 2023

Pablo Picasso was one of the most famous modern artists of the 20th century. While many of his paintings border on the abstract, he sharpened his artisitc skill on more realistic and traditional styles. Novelty and creativity are important parts of great art, but just as necessary to making anything great is the technical ability to take an idea and represent it in the real world — even abstract expressionists could paint unbelieveably realistic landscapes if they felt the need.

I’m certainly no artist, but the lesson here applies more broadly: practicing technical skills on their own is an important part of the creative process.


This is my generative AI take. I’m sure there are many like it, but this one is mine.

When it comes to social trends I’m often on the far side of Moore’s Chasm. I signed up for Snapchat a year after all of my friends, and joined Instagram two years after everyone else. So it was only appropriate that it took weeks after the internet was set on fire for me to see the value that applications of Large Language Models like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot bring to programming. But now that I’ve given it a real shot, it’s clear to me that if you have enough knowledge to ask specific tactical questions about a well-defined technology, framework or library, ChatGPT can be a huge force multiplier.


One of my first posts on this blog in 2020 was about my experience switching from VSCode to Emacs for all of my text/code editing work. I still agree with all of the benefits to Emacs I wrote about back then, and my posts on Obsidian show my respect for org-mode as a format and the ecosystem around it – especially org-agenda. However, as you might have noticed when the file extension on my posts switched from .org back to .md, I’ve moved on from Emacs for now. But I’m happy with how I’ve moved my good habits back to VSCode. Spending time on config gave me more confidence in my ability to configure software I use to my liking, and make software work for me rather than make me work for the software.


One of my pet peeves about my natural writing style is how I lean into complex sentences divided by commas. Left unchecked, my prose starts looking like it might be ChatGPT’s attempt at writing a blog post in the style of s-expressions. I thought it would be neat to try and write some code to help me proofread for this specific issue and improve my posts.

So much of my Python experience is from writing apps with Django that I forgot how quick and easy it is to whip up a small script that does some text processing with nothing but the standard library. As much as I appreciate static types and exhaustiveness checking in larger programs, being able to ignore edge cases that I know don’t appear in the specific input I’m concerned with is a relief for scripts like this.