Weekly Links

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Weekly Links #19

Jan 12 2025

It’s an edition coming in right at the buzzer this week! I had a really fulfilling day today — went to the first session for a new book club this morning and hosted friendly low buy-in poker with some friends in the afternoon. I’m feeling good about the time I’m spending with people I care about so far in 2025; I hope to continue it through the rest of the month!


Weekly Links #16

Dec 21 2024

It was the first snow of the season in New York City last night! Today the sun is shining, so we’ll see how long it actually sticks around for.

I’ve got fewer articles than normal this week in the newsletter — I spent more time than normal reading actual, gosh-darned novels! Taking even more inspriation from Arne Bahlo I might start writing up longer reviews of books I read.